In the meantime, it is still much too cold to go outside and take photos of any recently completed projects, but the weather is supposed to warm up this week, so keep your fingers crossed for me.
While I wait to thaw out, I've decided to drag out some UFOs and hopefully get them finished. The first one up is this, Kitty Mittens by Ellen McCarn:

I appologize for the crooked photo, but you get the idea. I already started this little picture smocked plate a while back. I don't remember exactly when.

Looks like the Princess and I decided to change it up a bit and smock three girl kitties instead of two girls and one boy. You can see I've already started smocking a girl kitty in a pink dress in the center. I think I had planned to put this into a light pink corduroy jumper. I'll have to check and see how much fabric I have on hand. There may not be enough for the Princess, and she may think this is too baby-ish for her now. In which case, I have a cute little niece that would look adorable in this.
Let's see if I can get this little plate smocked by the end of January...
Nice start on the picture smocking! We just had a SAGA meeting tonight and our program was picture smocking--what a coincidence!
You are probably getting bored with my "cute" CUTE comments or "fabulous", but I must say it again.... So awesome!!
How adorable... That fabric is really pretty - can't wait to see your quilt!
That fabric you have got is really pretty - you're going to be making some wonderful quilts!
Your smocking is very nice! I learned to smock at Children's Corner in Nashville many years ago. I smocked a crab plate that is very similar to the one that you are working on. Best wishes for finishing and enjoying!
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