You may be wondering what's going on with the Flap Dress. AFter all, it's been over a month since I recieved the magazine (Burda Style September issue) and made the first muslin. Well, things are progressing slowly here in the Frogs in a Bucket Workroom. Pesky little distractions keep popping up and keeping me from the Flap Dress. Things like my job, silly stuff like having to cook meals and clean up after them, drama with the kids, you know- that kind of stuff. But hopefully this weekend I can get back to work on it and make a little progress.
But just so you won't think this whole project has been a big elaborate hoax, here are a couple of progress shots. First, the bodice:

It looks kind of lumpy and sad lying flat on the ironing board. You can still see wash away marker marks (the stitching lines on the flaps) and hanging threads. There are a few bits of lint clinging to it, too.
Here are the back bodice pieces, all interfaced and waiting to be stitched to the back skirt pieces so that the invisible zipper can be inserted:

Yes, I got a suitable zipper last weekend. I plan to install that zipper today even if it's the only progress I make. After that, things should move along at a nice clip.
I really hate the way this project has gotten bogged down and taken a back seat to everything else going on. But that's just the way it is sometimes. I hope that by the time I do get this dress finished that I'm still excited about wearing it. And that it still fits. (You never know!)
Ooooh, the colour looks so pretty! I'm looking forward to seeing the dress. I know how you feel when you loose momentum on a project; it's just unavoidable sometimes with life, family, etc.
Also, to let you know, I had to delete my blog, Making the Seam. It was attacked by malware last weekend. I did set up a new one, though. You can find me at
Your dress color is beautiful! Life gets in the way of sewing plans sometimes. Hope you are able to make good progress this weekend.
Very curious to see how the flap dress goes, and happy to see that somebody appreciates how timeless some of the older Burda patterns are. For this reason, I'm saving back to as far as 2008, but one of these days must put up all of 2008 for sale.
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