I think the shoulder issue has been solved now. There are no pins holding the muslin to my bra straps.
This muslin seems a little tighter than the first, even though I made no real width adjustments. I think it's because the flannel had some "give" to it and the quilting cottons I used for this muslin have none. ( I decided to use up some of the various small pieces of cotton I had lying around the sewing room. I tried to at least use a solid for the bodice to show the seaming this time.) I plan to use a stretch woven for the final dress, so I'm not worried.
I did not raise the neckline for this muslin. It doesn't look too bad in the photo, and I could probably find a bra that wouldn't show, but the truth is I just wouldn't be comfortable wearing this as is. If I stood up all day, straight and tall, I could probably get away with it, But the moment I bend forward, or heaven forbid I sit down and someone stands next to me, they could see all the way down the front to the underbust seam.
In order to have some sort of comfort level while wearing this, the neckline has to come up. The question is, how much?
Please forgive my clumsy photo editing, but the following photos give you an idea of what I'm considering.
This gives some additional coverage, but still somewhat maintains the shape of the original neckline.
Option #2 Raise the neckline all the way to the widest point:
This will offer the maximum amount of coverage. Although the neckline shape is significantly different, it is still interesting.
I'm leaning toward option #2. I want to be able to wear this to work or to church and I think I need the maximum amount of coverage. But honestly, even if I kept this as strictly a "date night" dress, Mr. Frogs would be happier with option #2 as well.
I ordered three different stretch woven fabrics last night hoping one of them will be the right one for this dress. Cross your fingers for me. Hopefully I'll have a finished dress to share before too long.

In order to have some sort of comfort level while wearing this, the neckline has to come up. The question is, how much?
Please forgive my clumsy photo editing, but the following photos give you an idea of what I'm considering.
Option #1 Raise the neckline halfway to the widest point:

Option #2 Raise the neckline all the way to the widest point:

I'm leaning toward option #2. I want to be able to wear this to work or to church and I think I need the maximum amount of coverage. But honestly, even if I kept this as strictly a "date night" dress, Mr. Frogs would be happier with option #2 as well.
I ordered three different stretch woven fabrics last night hoping one of them will be the right one for this dress. Cross your fingers for me. Hopefully I'll have a finished dress to share before too long.
It looks great Shannon. I like the idea of option 2 as well. I think you'll be much more confident if cover up a bit more.
#2 is a nice solution. You could also raise the 'wings' a little to still allow for some more of the design to show...change the angle of the center (upside down) V so that there are still the little indents higher than the cross piece. Sort of shifting the whole design element up a smidge and filling in a smidge too.
You have really worked hard on this pattern! I agree that option 2 looks best. Besides, you have to be totally comfortable when you wear it or you won't wear it at all! BTW, I love your quilting cottons look! It is a good utilitization of fabric scraps, isn't it?
I love the direction this is going. Option 2 looks lovely, and is definitely still an interesting neckline.
"Mr. Frogs..." lol!! :)
I like option 2 too. What a shame that Burda insist on drafting designs that are only appropriate for date nights. You still have the great design elements with your changes though. Clever you!
After all alterations you've done the dress looks fantastic. Can't wait seeing the ready garment.
I agree that option 2 looks better, it still shows the interesting design of the neckline but not so much decollete.
WOW you have made this work, it's looking fabulous. Cant wait to see the final result. Well done!!!
I think option 2 actually enhances the neckline. This is a great style for you!
This dress has been in my sights as well .... I had the suspicion that the line of cleavage had no restraint in the original model, so you confirm my suspicion with the muslin of the previous post, thank you for your wonderful review of this pattern, which is helpful for others who then we go with this dress. Thanks to you, let us now safe with this pattern. Once again, thank you.
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